Introduction to Language Processor

Language Processor

Language Processor is a software that is used to convert High level code into machine understandable code without any change in the logic of the code. There are several types of language processor like:
  1. Compiler
  2. Assembler
  3. Interpreter


The compiler is used to convert high level human understandable code into machine understandable code. It converts complete code into machine code and then displays errors. Since compiler generates all errors after converting complete code it also needs to generate an intermediate code. Eg C, C++


The interpreter is used to convert high level human understandable code into machine understandable code. It converts the code line by line and reports error as soon as it is found. Unlike compilers, it does not generate any intermediate code Eg Python, Ruby


Assembler is used to convert assembly code into binary code. It uses mnemonics used in assembly code and converts them into its respective operation. In other words, it converts mnemonics to its respective opcode which is understandable by the computer. It also converts the symbolic representation of memory into the actual memory location.
